I am proud to be a Texas educator. However, I am even more proud to be a grandparent, and I can no longer remain silent while my grandchildren’s education is stolen from them.
It is no secret that public education has been under attack for years. The plan is simple: drastically reduce school funding, demonize teachers and, at the same time, continually raise the bar on testing standards. The hope is that schools will collapse under the pressure. Then the politicians get to say, “See, public schools are no good. We need to privatize.” Privatization is the name of the game. Public funds go to private schools to line private pockets.
We educators are the last line of defense for public education. We are the guardians of our children’s educations. It is not too late to fight back against the attacks on education. We can fight back by simply having a voice and a vote. We need more voices like Superintendent John Kuhn who has said, “Look around you. Public school teachers, you are the saviors of our society and always have been. You are the first responders standing in this rubble…”
We have stood silently long enough. Please add your voice to those who wish to save Texas schools. Contact me at savecentexschools@hotmail.com to learn more. The only requirement for joining is a willingness to speak out.
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